
Professional Makeup Artist specialized in clean beauty makeup, men grooming, face and body painting, special effects makeup

Claire has always been interested in drawing and painting. She decided to develop her creative skills by heading for a career of Makeup Artist (to be able to "paint" on people !).

With several years of experience - motivated, dedicated and reliable - she works worldwide for film and TV projects, Commercials, Music Videos, Corporate events...

Clients : HBO, ABC, MTV, VICE, Sony, Applebee's, Hyundai, 99cts Stores, Glaad, Discovery Networks, Vip.com, Amsterdam Open Air, Ted Baker London, Opentext, Noyah Cosmetics...

Working worldwide
Languages : French (native) , English (fluent), German (basic) and Italian (basic).

Contact, requests, bookings :
Claire Magnus
+1(323) 834 3804


+1(323) 834 3804


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